Last Saturday my club mates
played a scenario included into the supplement “A clash of Eagles”: the battle
of Saltanovka.
It was a battle between
Russian and French troops fought during the 1812 invasion of Russia.
It is a multiplayer scenario
that involved seven of our members and friends.
Below an imagine of the table
prepared by Ezio with the French troops just deployed and ready for the battle
But every battle has to have
his protagonists … so the French commanders ...
and their avversaries ... the
Russian noblemen
... but now we have to come
back to the real subject of this post ... the battle
A detail of the 85th Line
infantry that covers the French left wing
… while on the right the 108th
and the 61st Line infantry controls the village of Fatova
The 26th Russian division of
Paskervich moves onto the battlefield …
… and after some minutes the
12th division arrives too
The French’s reply did not
So the Russian CiC,
General-lieutenant Nikolay Raeyvsky, is forced to explain again to his sub
commanders the strategy: “Go straight and break them!!”
… for 4 turns Russians try to
enter into the village of Saltanovka and force a part of the 85th to break
On the French right wing the Russian
movement is slower but at the end of the 5th turn they arrive close to the
At the halftime the arrive of
the reinforcements help French to block a potential breakthrough at the right
of Saltanovka village
The Russian 26th division
arrives at the rivers engaging the 61st de ligne
After 6 turns of hard fighting
the situation on the table is below
French commanders decide to
split the Cuirassier Division “Valence” between the village of Fatova
and Satlanovka
while the battery of cannons
are continuing to hammer the Russian lines
On contrary the Russian
commanders decided to launch their entire reverse of cavalry at the conquest of
At the end of 10th turn the
Russian tide permits them to cross the bridge of Saltanovka
And the river near to Fatova
Even if the French troops
continue to have the control of both villages
Below a rare photo of exultant
Russian commanders