Last Saturday my club
members played a Bolt Action scenario related to a battle between the Imperial
Japanese Army and the US troops that was fought on the Guadalcanal island.
This scenario is included
into the supplement “Empires in flames” and it is part of the WWII Pacific campaign.
The battle was an assault
of the Ichiki Japanese regiment against US Marines. Underestimating the
strength of American forces on
Guadalcanal, Ichiki's unit conducted a nighttime frontal assault on Marine positions
at Alligator Creek. Japaneese’s assault was defeated with heavy losses for the
attackers. The Marine units counterattacked Ichiki's surviving troops after
daybreak, killing many more of them. All but 128 of the original 917 of the
Ichiki Regiment's First Element were killed in the battle.
I want point out that:
field was prepared by Ezio
are painted by Ivano
Japanese forces by Riccardo
Below a couple of maps of
the Guadalcanal campaign and a detail of Alligator creek section. In the Map B
it is possible to see where Ichiki regiment was deployed during the Allies
landing (near Lunga point)
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An overview of the scenario
with images of the real battlefield
The American trenches and the
initial Japanese bombardment
The Japanese start their
Two Japanese assault waves
… and the Marines that will
push back the enemies.
Most impressive pictures Mark!
RispondiEliminaThanks Phil but all works are done by my friends
EliminaThen congrats to your friends...and special mention to this river, absolutly superb!
Eliminaezio milvo e rivvardo marchesi ci hanno asfaltato hahaha
EliminaGrande diorama, meravigliosi giapponesi, e diciamolo, anche i marines :)
EliminaLooking great!
RispondiEliminaI really like the figures